
Budget Planning Resources

  • Financial Compass Access Form- Access to the University’s budget and planning tool requires two items to be completed:
    1. Submit the GLez/BuyND/Compass Finance Data Access Request Form

      • NOTE: The primary Business Manager for your Unit/College must approve the Financial Compass portion of the form.

    2. Attend the mandatory, hands-on training class through eNDeavor

      • This training session will cover the functionality of the tool and the budget cycle of the University.

  • FY25 Endowed Chair Calculator- A tool that calculates the percentage of available spending from a hair endowment that should be planned towards the Chair's salary.
  • FY25 New Gift Payout Calculator- This tool estimates the quarterly increment to be received from a new gift and the anticipated date. 
  • FY25 Fringe Rate- A list of fringe benefit rates for all staff, faculty, and pooled positions.
  • Budgeted Foreign Currency Conversion Rates- Foreign currency exchange rates used by the campus to translate budget and operational activity incurred in foreign currency into US dollars.
  • New Fund Requests- Steps to create a new Fund/Org.
  • Introduction to Finance- Training materials on financial information related to GLez, Banner, and other Controller's Office systems.
  • FOAP Look UP- FOAP validation tool that provides the default Program code for Unrestricted Funds and the default Org and Program codes for restricted Funds.


  • Undergraduate Fee and Billing- Guidance on incremental fees, approval, and billing processes for undergraduate student’s degree programs.
  • Transfer Pricing- Guidance on when internal charges are permissible and the process to be followed for determining these charges.
  • Instructional Initiatives Review Process (login required)- Units that wish to propose a new Instructional Initiative should follow this link to complete the required Registration Form. Proposals will be reviewed by the Instructional Initiatives Review Committee who will furnish units with actionable recommendations to guide planning and facilitate implementation.