Address Changes

Home and Local addresses can be updated at the beginning of each semester during ND Roll Call.

To view your current address information, go to InsideND and search for the "Contact Information" task to view your current address, phone, email, and emergency contact information. You cannot make changes to this information through InsideND.

  • Home and Off-Campus/Local Address changes can emailed to
    • Make sure to include your NDid or NetID
    • Do NOT include information such as DOB or SSN
  • Off-Campus/Local Address: This is your semester address and is where you will be living for the semester, whether it is in the South Bend area or not. Students are required to submit this address each semester and may be subject to a Registrar hold for failure to submit in a timely manner. This address will terminate at the end of the academic year or summer session.
  • Home Address: Students are required to maintain an active home address during their time as a student. This address will remain active until a new address is submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
  • On-Campus Address: Please contact the Residential Life at for any questions regarding On-Campus housing.
    • If you have moved out of on-campus housing, Mail Distribution will forward all mail and packages to your current home address on file for you.
  • Alumni or Former Students: Please send any changes to Alumni at